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Friday, March 21, 2014

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Your Skin Health

Abraham - March 21, 2014

Most of us follow a cleansing, toning, moisturising routine and use sunscreens. But, our skin health is a reflection of our internal wellness. Our lifestyle, i.e., food and exercise impact our skin. Here is a summary of lifestyle factors which, can make our skin look dull and accelerate the ageing process of the skin.

Nutrition - We use the term nutrition to indicate healthy eating. This is in contrast to “diet” which evokes thoughts of weight loss through decreased calorie intake. Exposure to environmental pollutants and the stress of everyday living causes oxidative injury to various parts of the living cells. Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables contain natural antioxidants, which can combat this oxidative damage. Although a variety of antioxidants are available as supplements, studies show that the supplements are not as effective as the antioxidants obtained through natural food.

Stress - When we are stressed, there is an increased release of “cortisol” in the body. Cortisol makes the skin dull and can impart an uneven tone to the skin. Stress also accelerates the greying of hair and can cause significant hair loss. People can lose upto 70 per cent of hair during periods of stress and the hair loss can continue for upto nine months after the stressful episode.

Exercise - During periods of exercise, there is a surge of “endorphins” in the body. These are the feel good hormones. They effectively beat stress and thereby the ill-effects of stress. Exercise also increases the blood flow through all systems of the body including the skin. The increased blood flow and oxygen surge to the skin helps heal the skin and slows down the ageing process of the skin.

Sleep - Our body recovers and regenerates during sleep. During deep sleep, our body releases the “growth hormone” which helps to melt down the tummy fat and also renews and regenerates the skin. People with sleep deprivation often find that their skin looks dull and ages earlier.

Habits - As we all know, cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine causes thinning of the blood vessels. In chronic smokers, the reduced oxygen supply to the skin presents itself as dull skin and can accelerate the ageing process. Also, smokers often tend to develop “fag lines” around their mouth.

In order to have glowing, flawless skin, it is important to follow a good skincare routine. Following a healthy lifestyle goes a long way in maintaining a healthy complexion and a healthy body.


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