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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oscar Award Winner Lupita To Star As Lead In Star Wars VII

Abraham - March 19, 2014

If you thought you had heard the last of Lupita Nyong'O then think again. The Oscar winner might just get another big movie role on a silver platter – to star as lead in the upcoming epic fantasy film, Star Wars VII.

Lupita reportedly had a meeting with the film's director J.J Abrams early this week to discuss her possible move to the critical acclaim flick. Although no public announcement has been made yet due to the secrecy of the film, many believe it's already a done deal!

The Oscar winning actress who got her golden stature for Best Supporting Actress with 12 Years A Slave is also riding high with a supporting role in "Non-Stop", presently at the theatres but its likely she's ready to lead in Star Wars too.

There's no doubt that starring in a Star Warsfilm could be really big for the star and this could mean the world gets to see her range as an actress – going from drama to fantasy!


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