Stephen Covey gave us the 7 habits of highly effective people. God bless his soul. Today, unlike, Stephen, I present to you the timeline of highly ineffective worker.
Enjoy the read.
8:56am Arrives at work. Exchanges banters with colleagues
9:00am He/she starts up his/her computer
9:00-9:30am Continues exchange of pleasantries
9:30am- 10:00m Reads Linda/Bella/Sahara Reporters/Football blogs
10:00am-10:45am Each comment on Linda is analysed. Argues EPL matches of the weekend/ argues PDP/APC activities
10: 45am-11: am Still discussing the comments on Linda’s blog/National issues
11: 00am-11:30 Checks his/her Microsoft outlook
11:30am-12:00am Replies a couple of e-mails
1:00pm- 1:30am She/he is at peak performance; facing her/his assignments squarely
1:30am-2:00pm Begins to yawn with every stare at the system/ Stands; stretches, goes for lunch at the cafeteria.
2:00pm -2:30 still in the cafeteria telling stories. Stands to get back to his/her desk.
2:30- 3:00pm Feeling very sleepy. He/she struggles to stay awake.
3:00-3:30pm He/she overpowered by sleep. Puts head down on the desk to nap.
3:30pm-4:00pm He/she shrugs off sleep. Launches Facebook. “ Aww see this lovely picture!”
4:00pm-4:30pm Now deep on Facebook; liking and commenting on pictures.
4:30-5:00pm He/she looks at the time, “wow, it’s almost five.” He/she checks email again. Replies two more. Stretches again and screams “who is ready to go home o?!”
5:00pm He/she initiates system shut-down. Gets angry as the system synchronizes to the server. Stands and leaves as the system is still synchronizing
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