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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Islamic Extremist,Ashabbab Claimed Responsibility For The Killings In Nairobi

Abraham - September 22, 2013


-Source: Jambonewspot


The terror situation began at the Westgate Shopping Mall at around lunchtime, but it was not immediately clear who was involved. The gunmen entered the mall throwing grenades as they launched their attack.


The gunmen seemed to have a specific group of people targeted. They moved quickly to identify their targets.


“The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted,” one witness, Elijah Kamau, said.


Many including non-muslims stood and attempted to walk away. However, the terrorists were not sure all those who attempted to leave were Muslims and they had a way of detecting those who were not.


According to the UK Telegram, the gunmen asked the people in the mall to name Prophet Muhammad’s mother.Those who got it wrong were shot. Those who got it right were released to their freedom.


Terrorist group Al-Shabbab claimed responsibility for the terror act. They posted several tweets before their account was shut down by Twitter.


“The Mujahideen entered #Westgate Mall today at around noon and are still inside the mall, fighting the #Kenyan Kuffar inside their own turf,” the group said on Twitter.


“What Kenyans are witnessing at #Westgate is retributive justice for crimes committed by their military,” the group said.

We fought Kenya in Somalia,it’s tym to take the War to them” the group tweeted.


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