Chris Brown is certainly known for his temper and venting on social media whenever he has been provoked or upset. This time the rapper has directed his anger towards celebrity blogger Perez Hilton and talk show host Wendy Williams. His outburst is the result of comments Wendy and Perez made on Wendy’s show where they spoke on Chris allegedly losing his virginity at the age of 8. During the show Perez said the following about Chris, “Chris Brown has a disease and the disease is, he has half a brain. He doesn't have a grasp of reality”.
After seeing the clip, Breezy quickly address both Perez and Wendy on Twitter by tweeting, “Thanks for the publicity. Your insecurities are manifested by your hatred. Princess Perez and wicked witch Wendy.” And “can't take advice from 2 buff chicks when one can't stand to look at herself without plastic surgery and the other is forever on his period.”
Thanks for the publicity. Your insecurities are manifested by your hatred. Princess Perez and wicked witch Wendy.
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