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Friday, October 24, 2014


Wife Of Mugabe Of Zimbabwe , Grace, Talks About Succeeding Her Husband As President

Abraham - October 24, 2014

President Robert Mugabe’s wife Grace Mugabe has begun swiftly and in earnest to succeed her husband as leader of Zimbabwe, and in the past two months she has been using the budget and the jets and helicopters of her husband to travel up and down the country in a “charm offensive” to rally support.


Ms. Mugabe, 40 years junior to her husband, is seeking to position herself as a second vice-president of Zimbabwe – ready to take control should President Mugabe, who turns 91 this year, step down or pass away. Mr. Mugabe has been in office for nearly three decades. But the first lady faces stiff resistance from the president's fellow liberation-struggle cadres, who have elbowed each other for power for years – especially current first Vice President Joice Mujuru, considered a prime successor. 


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