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Monday, February 23, 2015


Oscars 2015: Six Things Hollywood Doesn’t Want Us To know About The Oscars[Academy Awards]

Abraham - February 23, 2015

Oscar Snorting Cocaine

The PR machine has been whirring away to keep the Academy Awards ceremony as glittering and positive as possible.

And didn't it all go off perfectly last night in LA's Dolby Theater? Neil Patrick Harris trod the cusp of respectability and - while there may have only been titters at his race jibe- for the most part he kept the voters happy.

Heck, even John Travolta got the names right and everybody collecting an award seemed to be plugging their own altruistic cause: women's equality, civil rights, gay rights, awareness of ALS, more sympathy for suicide...

But beneath the well-lacquered Hollywood veneer things are not quite as shiny as they seem. From drugs to unfair voting and eyebrow-raising freebies such as a ‘vagina rejuvenation procedures’, Thanks to for reporting on Hollywood's seedy underbelly. Check These:

People in Hollywood do drugs
God forbid anyone should get the wrong idea about healthy-living LA-dwellers. A statuette by local street artist Plastic Jesus was hastily removed this week from Hollywood Boulevard.
The sculpture, titled “Hollywood’s Best Party”, showed “Oscar” bent on all fours snorting lines of cocaine through a rolled up $100 bill with an “American Excess” card nearby.

The artwork was reportedly designed to draw attention to Tinseltown’s “hidden” drug problems. It was placed “pointedly” on the corner of Hollywood and La Brea, the edge of where the street will be closed ahead of tonight’s awards.

“I picked the Oscars because you often hear about A-list celebs who go to rehab or have drug-related breakdowns, but you don’t hear about producers or writers or electricians, who are also affected,” he told BuzzFeed.

The artist said that he removed the sculpture after a "grouchy, old man started ranting about it”. The piece has since been returned to Plastic Jesus’ LA studio but he plans to display it again on Melrose Avenue.

Last year he placed a statuette of Oscar injecting himself with heroine on the Boulevard, with the placard reading “Hollywood’s Best Kept Secret”.

Voters don’t always watch the films
Oscar votes are often decided by Hollywood’s household maids,Barry Norman has claimed.
The veteran film reviewer told Radio Times: “There’s the question of whether all the voters actually saw all the films. It’s not unknown for some, especially the elderly, to get their maids to watch them on DVD and deliver their opinions.”
It is widely suspected that the 6,000-plus “motion picture professionals” who comprise the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences do not watch every film under consideration, as they are required to, before casting their vote.

Best picture doesn’t mean box office success

This year American Sniper has already destroyed its competition for best picture at the box office making more money than the other seven nominees combined – and that’s despite receiving the worst reviews of the bunch.

It has earned an extraordinary $306.5 million in the US alone so far. Yet none of the other nominated films (Birdman, Boyhood, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, Selma, The Theory of Everything, Whiplash) have even crossed the $100 million mark.

This certainly doesn’t mean American Sniper is a shoe-in, however. This is because only two-thirds of best picture Academy Award winners since 1979 have been the biggest money-makers among the nominations.

The few nominees that both won and made the most money include Platoon (1986), Titanic (1997), and The Departed(2006).
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