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Monday, February 23, 2015


Some Questions We Still Have After Watching The 2015 Oscars!

Abraham - February 23, 2015
The 2015 awards show season is finally over!
After nearly four hours of wishing we had our own LEGO Oscar statuette, cringing at John Travolta's lack of personal space, and sighing at the billionth mention of Neil Patrick Harris' locked predictions box, we're still left with 16 unanswered questions from the 87th Academy Awards. 
1. Does Neil Patrick Harris always wear tighty whities or was this a special occasion?

2. Will anything ever top Meryl Streep's reaction to Patricia Arquette's acceptance speech?

3. Was Idina Menzel internally screaming "Not again?!" when John Travolta kept touching her face?
4. Where can we buy our own LEGO Oscars statuette? Also does it come with Emma Stone's undying friendship?

5. Why didn't NPH realize that we honestly couldn't care less about his predictions box? Let it go, man.
7. How was Jennifer Lawrence spending her night and why couldn’t they have at least invited her to present?
8. Why must Anna Wintour always wear sunglasses?

9. Can Anna Kendrick pretty please host next year's Oscars?


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