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Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Abraham - March 03, 2015
This letter was written by a Nigerian, 'Akin Malaolu' who posted this on social venting his anger as He has made up his mind an vowed not to vote for the Goodluck Jonathan administration. Akin took out time to pick his reasons why He can never vote for the President come march 28, 2015.

Dear Mr President, 
I will confess and I will not deny that I am against you and that has been my chief pleasure because I often study the contemplation of my fellow beings most especially those with sacred trust but failed in their duties. Today, my people suffered from your perplexing errors and thoughtless actions as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and at my different political engagements I often described your Presidency as an "Intolerable and clumsy presence of accidental powers- powers got suddenly, got anyhow, got by chance ,untrained and hopelessly unworthy". 
Our woes are known to your good self and also to those cabals around you and they have consistently looted our wealth because you never gave a damn.You promised as you often do ,but at the end you not only failed but would also denied that you made such promises. 
Now,you are wandering about Nigeria asking for our votes our only means by which we can pay back on your negatives. You are asking for votes from those you made poor, from those who lost relations due to insecurity and from those you turned to Destitute, well,may your wandering be ROUGH. 
Nigerians will not vote youNigerians will not allow riggingNigerians shall defend their votes. And Nigerians shall drag you out from powers if you resisted to leave patiently or hurriedly. 
SignedYour Affectionate CitizenAkin Malaolu
Do you Agree with what Akin has said. What is your take on his reasons and why do you want the Current administration to stay or go? Post your comment


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