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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Think Guys With Beards Are Hot? You Don’t Want To Read This

Abraham - March 17, 2015
Would you think Leonardo DiCaprio’s new beard is hot if instead of a beard it was referred to as a “bacterial sponge?” Probably not, right? Well a handful of scientists posit that beards are just glorified germ hangouts.

British hair and scalp specialist Carol Walker told the Daily Mail that facial hair can lead to more frequent skin infections and to germs being passed on to others. Another factor? People with beards tend to touch them a lot, and this transfers germs from the hands to the face. (As an infrequent shaver, I can attest that I am compelled to touch my beard at least as often as I touch my phone.)

Two university scientists told the site that scientific evidence supports Walker’s theory about beards spreading bacteria and infections between people. “Men with beards do harbor a significant number of bacteria, more than non-bearded men and women,” Dr. Anthony Hilton said, adding that on average, a person’s face has some 20,000 types of bacteria on it.

But another professor disputes the above conclusions on face blankets, telling the Daily Mail, “It’s the same bacteria that’s on your skin. It’s not problematic and it’s not a health risk.”

Even if beards are a free-for-all for germs, they’re highly sought after for evolutionary reasons. A 2013 study found that women rated bearded men higher in the “parenting skills” category, and a more recent study found that beards are subject to “negative frequency-dependent sexual selection.” In other words, the relative scarcity and uniqueness of facial hair makes it attractive. Girls are straight-up attracted to beards.

Credit: Dailymail


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