Hillary Clinton, who has increasingly turned to Twitter as she plans her all-but-announced presidential run, upset the Chinese government on Monday with a message she posted on the social networking site.
"The detention of women's activists in #China must end," Clinton tweeted. "This is inexcusable."
The tweet linked to a New York Times story about five female activists in China who were arrested for protesting a wide array of women's issues. They stand accused, according to the Times, of provoking social instability.
The message did not go over well inside the Chinese government, according to Reuters.
"China is a country ruled by law. Relevant departments will handle the relevant case according to law," Hua Chunying, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman, said on Tuesday. "We hope that public figures in other countries can respect China's judicial sovereignty and independence."
the Chinese reaction on Tuesday, noting how Clinton said in 2009 that pressing on human rights "can't interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crisis" in China.
"We have to have a dialogue that leads to an understanding and cooperation on each of those," Clinton said in South Korea at the time.Credit: CNN/Reuters/Nytimes
Michael Short, spokesman for the Republican National Committee, said that Clinton "mistakenly thinks she can paper over her disastrous foreign policy record 140 characters at a time."
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