Countless number of females are undertaking, extreme surgeries to get the perfect look.
Like Tiny who’s getting so much backlash for undergoing a permanent eye color change.
The rib removal procedure is just as controversial as the eye color change. Women are undergoing the surgery in search for the perfect hourglass shape. The rib removal process has been a urban myth for years, but is dated as far back as the Victorian era when corsets became so popular.
Rumors started circulating years ago that several high end strippers and video models were getting the procedure in search for the perfect figure.
Like Tiny who’s getting so much backlash for undergoing a permanent eye color change.
The rib removal procedure is just as controversial as the eye color change. Women are undergoing the surgery in search for the perfect hourglass shape. The rib removal process has been a urban myth for years, but is dated as far back as the Victorian era when corsets became so popular.
Rumors started circulating years ago that several high end strippers and video models were getting the procedure in search for the perfect figure.
Most recent it has been rumored that Miami’s top video model/stripper named Estrella but known in Miami as Swagstrella has undergone the controversial procedure. Its reported by MTO, that she flew to South America to have this Procedure done. Rib removal has been banned in the US for any type of cosmetic surgery, only for health reasons.
It was reported Swagstrella had the bottom two ribs removed to get the ultimate thin waist. Looking at her pictures, mission accomplished. Reports
Rib removal involves extracting the lower ribs to create a slimmer waist contour. Most commonly, the 12th, 11th, and occasionally the 10th ribs are removed. The 11th and 12th ribs are known as “floating” ribs, which means they only cover the organs from the back and not the front. The 10th rib covers both the front and back, which is why some surgeons who perform rib removal feel it’s unsafe to remove this rib.
Rib removal is performed under general anesthesia, which means the patient will be unconscious during the procedure. There is a very extensive recovery time associate with rib removal; in some cases, it may take up to six months for the pain to disappear completely. There will almost certainly be a scar left on the patient’s back, where the incisions were made.
Legendary Latin America singer Thalia was also rumored earlier this year to also have undergone the rib removal surgery.
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