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Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Married Man Looking For Gay Sex On Craiglist Robbed And Killed By Woman Who Posed As Gay

Abraham - April 05, 2015

AtlantDaily Reports
This is yet another tale of a social predator using Craigslist to commit heinous crimes and even premeditated murder under the guise of an innocent business transaction.
When a recently-married Washington, D.C. lawyer solicited for gay sex through Craigslist, he unwittingly attracted sociopath Jamyra Gallmon, 21, for a fateful and fatal encounter.
The lawyer, David Messerschmitt, 30, useed Craigslist looking for gay sex in the man for man section. He soon received a reply from dcguy456 who wanted to meet for anal sex. The two set up a meeting time at a posh D.C. hotel for their rendezvous.
Messerschmitt prepared for the encounter and police found a computer, lubricant, condoms, cellphone and enema kit in the room. Unfortunately for Messerschmitt, who was a newlywed, the person who came was not a man at all. It was a black female named Jamyra Gallmon who camouflaged her appearance to look like a man.
According to the report, Gallmon entered the unlocked hotel room and eventually a violent episode popped off. Messerschmitt was repeatedly stabbed in the groin, chest and stomach.
Gallmon, according to the Washington Times, used zip ties and makeshift handcuffs to tie up and rob her victim.
Messerschmitt’s bloodies and battered body, which was still tied up, was discovered by housekeeping the next morning.
Thankfully, Gallmon was tracked down through the hotel surveillance video that showed her dressed like a man. Moreover, Gallmon did not do a good enough job erasing evidence of her being in the room with the murder victim; police found bloody fingerprintsl.
The case was solved when, after authorities tracked Gallmon down, the search warrant in her home turned up the very clothing she wore the night of the murder as well as the the tools to commit the crime — knife and zip ties.
Gallmon was arraigned April 2 on charges of first-degree murder while armed.


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