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Monday, June 29, 2015


#SheyiRuns: The Deadliest And Fastest Growing Gang In The World

Abraham - June 29, 2015
It is the most violent gang in USA, it has more than ten thousand foot soldiers in the US. It’s like a virus, it’s really spreading out. Police in half a dozen countries struggle to crack its code.
A female named Brenda Paz was later used as an insider by the state security service.
“First is God, then your mother and your gang. You live for your God, you live for your mother, you die for your gang” that is the code of the gang said Brenda.
Many Mara Salvatrucha members cover themselves in tattoos. Common markings include "MS", "Salvatrucha", the "Devil Horns", the name of their clique, and other symbols.
Today I will be shedding more light on this gang called Mara Salvatrucha (commonly abbreviated as MSMara, and MS-13)

They came from El Salvador to US, refugees from the decade-long civil war. These refugees were discriminated, etc. within the Latino community and were ostracized as a result. They formed the "Mara Salvatrucha Stoners." Initially, they were not violent, all they did was get high and party, even partied with other gangs.

They began to accumulate foes when they moved into dealing drugs, including on Mexican territory. Hostilities increased when a member of 18th (Mexican) shot a member of MS during a fight in a party. Blows between MS and rivals especially 18th were exchanged. "Mara"=Gang, "Salvatrucha"=Term used to honour Salvadoran peasants trained as guerrilla fighters. "13" was included to honour the Mexican Mafia (most influential prison gang in all of CA), which sought to broker peace between MS-13 and 18th for economic reasons.

Members of Mara Salvatrucha, like members of most modern American gangs, utilize a system of hand signs for purposes of identification and communication. One of the most commonly displayed is the "devil's horn" which forms an 'M' when displayed upside down.
On the 13th of July 2003, It was a scene of a shocking crime. Brenda Paz was murdered in cold blood. she was 17 years old and pregnant and was stabbed over a dozen times. Detective bob freeman said 
“Brenda Paz was no ordinary teenager, she was a member of a brutal street gang called MS 13,also known as MARA SALVATRUCHA”.
A year before her murder pass the unthinkable, she turned a police informant, she went to protective custody and began spilling the secret of MS 13.Something drew Brenda Paz back into the gang and in time they discovered she was a gross. These were individuals who hung out with her, shared news with her, went to the hotel with her, these individuals were her friends, in fact one of them spent the night with her before her killing. For law enforcement officials, Brenda Paz murder was a devastating loss.
“The details she was providing law enforcement was invaluable and extremely important.” detective Bob said during an interview
"When you look at all the sh*t you’ve done, you say damn look at all I have done with this stupid gang it’s just two letter words and it doesn’t even mean anything” Brenda Paz said.

A gang that has once become a local problem was now a national menace. The gang has invaded 33 states and 6 other countries from El Salvador to Canada. Authorities estimated that there are up to 10 thousand hard core members in the US alone and between fifty and hundred thousand worldwide.

MS 13 have committed various crimes including murder, chopping of hands. They are showing up in small communities, they are showing up in schools. After making enough research on this gang I discovered that their primary aim was to be known as one of world’s most dangerous gang. MS 13 graffiti has been seen in far places like Spain, Alaska, Honduras, e.t.c.

MS 13 is one of the fastest growing gang in the world and so it’s franchising more rapidly than any other gang in the world. In parts of Central America the gang has grown so violent that it commits acts of mass murder. In December 2004,just two days before Christmas MS attacked a bus in Honduras killing 28 passengers and they left a note to the government which says
The gangster who killed Brenda Paz was later caught and interviewed'.
His words “ If you are in the world of gang, you better watch your step because the road take you to one of three destinations, to hospital, to jail or you are dead.
once you joined the gang, you lose respect for life, your mind closes off the rest of the  world and you are capable of doing anything for the gang, it’s a very strange world and only those who live through it can tell the tale.”
According to an interview I watched on youtube---Jester, the gangster who said he shot his first enemy at age 9.
“every block we control earn income for us, everybody get taxed, if they make 500USD, they’ve got to give us 250USD from what they make”
Any business working the street must pay MS a protection fee .They tax drug dealers for the right to sell in their own territory and by doing so, they are able to earn tens of thousands of dollars off the street without ever actually having to touch the drugs.
They also act as middle men “crystal, cocaine, heroin, rock, weed, pills, any kind of pills, you do not have to go to doctor we will get you any, just name it we can supply it. Even with the drugs and money Jester claimed they have got problem of rival gangs, I am always on the lookout because I never know who might be driving by with a gun ready to shoot me.”
At the meetings, they discuss the rules and the appropriate punishment for those who fail to abide by them.
The gang is divided into cliques, Some cliques have only a few members while others have upward of 30. Clique members mostly hang out with each other, although they are friendly toward everyone in MS-13. Rules dictate the hierarchy: Members face punishment if they write their clique name before the characters MS-13. All tattoos, for example, must have MS-13 etched above or before the clique name.
In December 2007 CNN internet news article stated that the gang was moving away from the tattoos in an attempt to commit crimes without being noticed.

Photo/video credits: GOOGLE/Youtube


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