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Monday, July 13, 2015


#SheyiRuns: A Letter To My Future Wife

Abraham - July 13, 2015
Dear Future Wife,

I hope you are doing great. The thought of you crossed my mind and I decided to pen down this letter to you as each passing day draws me closer to you.

Let this letter be a promise to you that I will do my best to be the man I want to be for you. I probably don’t know all the right things to say but my feelings and words are from the heart.

I don’t usually talk or write like this but my heart and mind are racing in anticipation. Because I love you, I know you are out there. The very thought of you makes my pulse race and stomach flip like I’m on a roller coaster.

I am a man with flaws, I’m not perfect and I don’t expect you to be. Sometimes I say things I don’t really mean and do things that are not really my nature. I apologise for those right now.
I have gone out with other girls but something always seem to be missing. I go out and have fun but the idea of you and our future together is always in my thought, it keeps me focus and on track, aware of who I am and what’s important.

I have a past so do you, I don’t want either of our past to potentially damage our great future.
My future wife, I don’t want you to be perfect, I know that is not possible. I do not intend to marry you because you are perfect.

And loving you without having met you, makes me want to be deserving of your love. So I wait for you in mind and in spirit. I’m waiting for you because I love you unconditionally. Real love is what I have for you which includes mutual respect, affection, trust,  equality and shared spirituality.

I promise to strive to be a role model for our children. I want both you and them to see me as a source of motivation. Our children will know how to love because they see it from us every day. I will kiss you in front of our kids (even when they go “ewww”). I will dance with you in front of our kids so they know it is okay for mommy and daddy to have fun too. We will laugh a lot. They will also learn how to resolve conflict from us. They will learn that respect starts at home. We, as their future parents, will respect them as the future individuals they were made to be.

We will teach them character and morals, not in what we say but how we act and what we do. They will learn what a great relationship is like not from TV or music or the internet, but from us.

Whether you realise it or not, I’ve been there in your thoughts, that shiver or the goose bumps you get every ones in a while, in the long daydream or a lingering glance. You don’t have to wonder any more because I’m real.

I promise to do everything that I can for you without taking away from your independence physically, intellectually or emotionally.

I have seen a lot of marriages fail but ours will not be like that. We are going to make our marriages work for the sake of ourselves and the kids we will have. I would want you to understand me and not compare me with other men. I promise to do same for you. We will not allow extended family and friends to come between us. We are going to handle our issues in our own unique way.

You may have been waiting and looking for me all the while, you may be starting today. Either way, we will know when we’ve found each other. God helping us and with some effort on our part, we shall make them come to pass.

This are not just the words of a man who is high on emotions but that of a man who is ready to take responsibility. They are words with serious implications and I have decided to take this bold step with you.

Now, That you know I’m here I hope you will do the same. Whenever you feel scared or unsure or pressured to give a part of yourself away think about us and how perfect it will be when we are together.

Sincerely, Your Future Husband


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