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Monday, October 12, 2015


#Sheyiruns: Agony Of RAPE

Abraham - October 12, 2015
Last week I shared a story of a little girl 14, who was raped and molested by her uncle, below is the embedded post.
It was one of the most painful moments.

I met a Rape victim today who shared her experience and during the course of our discussion…….. I didn't know when I...
Posted by Seyiadetona blog on Monday, October 5, 2015

According to the monster(Uncle) who took advantage of her said it's the devil's work. Yea! We all say it is the devil at the end of the day. Lamest Excuse ever.

Below are some of the common serious effects of sexual assault and rape:

PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event. Some common symptoms associated with PTSD are flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Many people who go through traumatic events have difficulty adjusting and coping for a while. But with time and support, such traumatic reactions usually get better.

Depression. Depression is more than common feelings of temporary sadness. Symptoms can include prolonged sadness, feelings of hopelessness, unexplained crying, changes in appetite with significant weight loss or gain, loss of energy or loss of interest and pleasure in activities previously enjoyed. Depression can affect a person’s outlook, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness. This, in turn, can impact his or her thought process and ability to make decisions.  In extreme cases of depression, people may even experience suicidal thoughts and/or attempts.

Dissociation. Dissociation usually refers to feeling like one has “checked out” or is not present. In some instances of dissociation, people may find themselves daydreaming. But in situations where dissociation is chronic and more complex it may impair an individual's ability to function in the “real” world, such as not being able to focus on work related duties or being able to concentrate on schoolwork.

Coping with the effects of sexual assault and rape can be overwhelming. Some survivors may engage in substance abuse of drugs or alcohol to help him or her cope with the overwhelming feelings. Because a survivor’s control and sense of safety security have been taken away by the perpetrator, engaging in these self-injurious behaviors can also bring a sense of control over a person’s environment and serve as a release of tension. Although not always performed with suicidal intent, substance abuse can result in severe harm or death. And though these coping strategies may seem to bring immediate relief, that feeling is only temporary and these behavior can lead to more challenges in the future.

Sexually transmitted infections and diseases: There is a risk of sexually transmitted infection or disease, especially if the perpetrator didn’t use protection during the assault. Medical aftercare may be necessary to ensure that any infections and/or diseases are treated.

The immediate physical effects a person can experience after a sexual assault or rape can include:
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Difficulty walking
  • Soreness
  • Broken or dislocated bones
When you rape a anyone, you have not only taken advantage of them but has also killed her mentally,  she might commit suicide and when she does you automatically become a killer, what's the difference between you and some hired assassin.

Findings show that 75% of the perpetrators blame it on the way they(Victims) dress, No one has any right to sexually harass other people irrespective of how they dress.
Anyone found guilty of rape should be taken to a psychiatric hospital before going prison.
Other spiritual and emotional effects of trauma include:
  • Changes in how They view trust
  • Anger and blame
  • Shock
  • Numbness
  • Loss of control
  • Disorientation
  • Helplessness
  • Sense of vulnerability
  • Fear
  • Self-blame/guilt for "allowing" the crime to happen
  • Feeling that these reactions are a sign of weakness
Most of us try to shy away from rape issue because we deem it inappropriate to discuss openly. There are many rape victims out there 14, 15, 21, 30, 40 etc who wouldn't want to talk to anyone about what's happened/ing to them. Some are being raped constantly/everyday while living with their uncle or guardian. 60% are capable of committing suicide because they won't discuss it with anyone.

I was just like any other person like what’s my business, since I’m not a Victim, the victim is not my family...... but my  Encounter with the beautiful 14yr old changed it all. The pains they feel are enormous.

In her words: when my uncle was done raping, He said to me "You are now a woman"

Let's change the way we think and act

Contributors > Joy and Rotimi


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