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Monday, July 20, 2015


#SheyiRuns: My Top 8 Youtubers/Vloggers In 2015

Abraham - July 20, 2015

YouTube is almost unfathomably huge. The website receives over 1 billion unique views a month, and over 6 billion hours of video are watched every month– almost an hour for every single human being on the planet. It’s no surprise then that some YouTube users are huge celebrities.

So, now that you know how big the numbers can be, here I present you my Top 8 youtubers this year, accompanied by some of Their videos.

While some of the names may be obvious to YouTube aficionados , there were just as many relative unknowns, who are building absolutely huge fan bases.

1. Deji Olatunji “Deji” [ComedyShortsGamer]
Deji is at top of my list not because of the number of subscribers but his connection towards subscribers. You get to see his dad in most of his videos and this guy talks to the Camera like a pro. He carries viewers along with whatever type of video He makes . No professional editing, He just let youtube videos be youtube videos.

Deji does Pranks with his Parents and brother. The Prank on his mom about how He got a girl pregnant was Hilarious and my favourite. His mom reaction was truly African.

He’s So Original, I could easily relate to whatever He’s saying in  all his videos in one minute. Another thing I love about him is the brilliant idea of short videos, He carefully trim them to beat the time for suspense, holds stories that may not be possible to explain or finish in 7-10 minutes head-on and on-point and tries to keep the 3-4 minutes time. Deji has over 4million subscribers.

2. Jide Olatunji “KSI or JJ”[KSIOlajideBT]
He is brother to Deji. I call him the noise maker, He shouts and never shy to do whatever He wants to do. The “rape Face” makes it funnier. KSI is a successful youtuber with over 9 million subscribers. I envy his lifestyle, He’s a fan of luxury cars. He recently acquired a brandnew Lamborghini followed by a song. He’s multi-talented, KSI once featured in a video by popular British rapper “Sway”, “Get Hype”.

After a successful career [Obviously] KSI for me is now a “Just Cool Guy” Unlike his previous videos, He’s like a boss now, I can’t deny the fact that maturity has also taken its place in him, He’s 22yrs Old after all.

3. RomanATwood:
Its unusual to see an American youtuber roaming the street like a jerk. British Guys seems to be dominating that area now. Roman is a fearless Prankster, With more than 6 Million subscribers, act like a freak and I guess that was why I love his Videos.

He’s so good at what he does…. ‘PRANK’…. and that gets him into trouble.

4.  PrankvsPrank & BFvsGF :
With more than 8million subscribers on PrankVsPrank which has over 1.29 billion video views and over 7million subs on BFVsGF with 1.87 billion video views , you know Jesse and his girlfriend ‘Jeana’ were born to do this. Hilarious couple, they live every moment of their lives doing prank videos,

Every opportunity is a blessing.  Jesse and Jeana Smith prank each other once in a while and posts videos on their channel.

5. overboardhumor & Garrett Garcia:
If you looking for some cool kinda dude to follow, Garreth is the right guy. He goes to the beach, hangs out with girls in thong and say some weird sh!t to anyone. Garreth Garcia, as cool as He is never back down on anything, He asks funny, stupid, Hilarious questions and wait to see the reactions.

He’s got over 1 million subscribers on OverboardHumor and Over 132,000 on Garreth Garcia.

6. PrankInvasion:
If you want to get turned on watching youtube videos, then run fast to this channel and subscribe, this guy is just some crazy dude who finds pleasure in Kissing strangers.

He walks up to sexy girls, asks if they could play a game with him, and the loser get to Kiss him. There’s a lot of that on his channel where most kisses goes sexual, obviously He has no girlfriend and If He does, I hope she could stand it.

7.  thiskidneedsmedicine:
Truly, Kevin needs a dose. Who in this modern world, I mean 21st Century would ever think of making a video with their grand ma? Kevin Dronak is that kid and He sure pulls it off anytime. His videos are amazing, Most of them has always been on how his granny reacts to the new age development, from Nicki Minaj’s Music Videos to Miley Cyrus wrecking Butts.

I would watch his videos over and over again. He’s Got over 436,000 Subscribers.

8. Whealth by Slaiman:
Whealth by Slaiman
Woah! slaiman is the new kid on the block, His girlfriend ‘Kate’ Falls for all his pranks except one(Checkout his videos to See) Slaiman scares the hell out of his girl all the time, The payback wasn’t good for slaiman which happens to be my favourite, where Kate connived with his cousin and made it seem like she’s been seeing slaiman’s cousin without his consent.

Whealth by slaiman has over 161,000 subscribers.

Other Youtubers You should checkout:
1. ThatcherJoe
2. Caspar
3. AyyOnline

P.S: PewDiePie is not on my List, He’s arguably the richest youtuber with the highest subscribers but I just don’t find him funny. I would say I love him because He’s  PewDiePie  with over 38million subscribers but can’t make my List.


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