Just a single swipe of credit cards you can get yourself more than 10,000 followers on Twitter. Ha! you don’t know?
I was reading a post last week where the writer was talking about how her friend shared a photo displaying her StatusPeople “Fakers Score” Revealing that 96% of her followers are GOOD, 3% inactive and 1% fake. It struck me immediately ---Nigerian Celebs----what about Nigerian celebs

Its a tussle among 9ja celebs now, the urge to inflate twitter followers to make their account appear more popular. Not only in Nigeria, In other parts of the world ….. start-ups, celebrities and politicians alike have been known to buy twitter followers.
According to the Fake Follower Check tool from StatusPeople, which claims the ability to determine how many of a user’s Twitter followers are fakes, 74% of Lady Gaga’s over 47 million followers are fake or inactive, along with 82% of President Obama’s 60 million followers.
Pls note that The tools I used to check the fake followers below are StatusPeople and Twitter Audit.
The percentage of inactive followers can also be seen as fake most times, you may be wondering, what this tool meant by inactive user; These are users that haven’t been active for more than 300 days, 500 days upwards with a very low number or no tweets and followers. Fakers are very likely to be included. Among the “INACTIVE” are REAL and FAKE FOLLOWERS
Here are my Top 10 Nigerian Artistes You Wont Believe Have Fake Twitter Followers:
First on list is Davido, one of Nigeria’s Hottest (right now).
Number Of Followers: 1,262,250
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 525,096. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 737,154
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 10%. INACTIVE: 54% GOOD: 36%

I was charged a few $$ cash to use StatusPeople, For unlimited searches, You have to opt-in for a Plan (Basic , Premium And Agency) I’m on the basic Plan which is suppose to Last for 30 days.According To TwitterAudit
Each audit takes a random sample of 5000 Twitter followers for a user and calculates a score for each follower. This score is based on number of tweets, date of the last tweet, and ratio of followers to friends. We use these scores to determine whether any given user is real or fake. Of course, this scoring method is not perfect but it is a good way to tell if someone with lots of followers is likely to have increased their follower count by inorganic, fraudulent, or dishonest means.
According To StatusPeople
For those of you with 50,000 followers or less we believe our tool will provide a very accurate insight into how many inactive and fake followers you have. If you're very, very 'popular' the tool will still provide good insight but may better reflect your current follower activity rather than your whole follower base. Our Deep Dive tool which tacks a sample from up to 1,000,000 records however does suggest our scores are relative accurate for larger Twitter Accounts.
TwitterAudit is fair enough to allow anyone run unlimited searches. They only charge for PRO(subscription), this help block fake followers, Hide your audit, monthly audit reports and more. Since I can do free unlimited searches on TwitterAudit there’s no need to opt-in.
Next is…….
Number Of Followers: 1,563,897
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 852,324. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 711,573
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 9%. INACTIVE: 59% GOOD: 32%

The media quantifies success on public figures by the number of their followers. Brands pay celebrities for endorsements on twitter so they can promote a message to a celebrity’s followers. For instance, Kim Kardashian could make more than $15,000 for a single tweet to her network of 32.3 Million followers.
Up Next is….
Number Of Followers: 1,095,380
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 764,624. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 330,756
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 9%. INACTIVE: 54% GOOD: 37%

Are you in a hurry, You can as well watch the 3:52 minutes video of my “Top 10 Nigerian Artistes You Wont Believe Have Fake Twitter Followers” Below real quick :
Number Of Followers: 1,159,114
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 570,284. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 588,830
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 11%. INACTIVE: 57% GOOD: 32%

Number Of Followers: 1,101,450
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 731,363. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 370,087
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 10%. INACTIVE: 54% GOOD: 36%

Number Of Followers: 660,469
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 371,844. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 288,625
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 13%. INACTIVE: 48% GOOD: 39%

According to fast company's recent social media road map, it costs a mere $77 to buy 5,000 follower bots at buytwitterfollowers.org. Three years ago, facebook admitted it has more than 82 million fake accounts and dupes, so twitter isn't the only platform plagued by imposters.
Number Of Followers: 636,978
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 338,235. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 298,743
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 16%. INACTIVE: 46% GOOD: 38%

Number Of Followers: 497,384
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 336,729. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 160,655
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 15%. INACTIVE: 50% GOOD: 35%

Number Of Followers: 837,096
TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 524,022. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 313,074
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 13%. INACTIVE: 53% GOOD: 34%

TwitterAudit scores – REAL FOLLOWERS: 278,694. FAKE FOLLOWERS: 108,919
StatusPeople Scores – FAKE: 17%. INACTIVE: 51% GOOD: 32%

Where To buy twitter followers: I checked on a website ‘Wordstream’, it was able to provide me the info I wanted, --- not to buy but for information purposes !Duh! Below is what its states:
If you’re set on buying Twitter followers, here are some sites that sell them.
Fiverr: Search Fiverr for “buy Twitter followers” and you’ll immediately find a long list of sellers offering to provide you with anywhere from 100 – 15,000 followers in less than 24 hours. While the legitimacy of some offers is questionable, it doesn’t get much cheaper than this.Why You Shouldn’t Buy Followers
Fast Followerz: This group claims to provide real, active followers that regularly tweet, update, and are engaged. They also offer a Followerz Protection five-year warranty, guaranteeing the top-notch quality of the targeted followers offered.
FollowerSale: FollowerSale uses a credit system to encourage real users to follow their customers, providing live, active followers as a result.
Devumi: Devumi provides cheap followers, doesn’t require a password, and doesn’t make you follow anyone in return. They also offer credit card alternative payment methods like PayPal.
The best sites to buy Twitter followers from are those that provide targeted Twitter followers that are real and active. Stay safe by avoiding sites that ask for your Twitter password or unnecessary info.
Think about it, what if twitter or facebook decides to clear these fake accounts?
It doesn't take a social media strategist to tell you that this get-famous-fast technique is doomed. Not only will these followers prove irrelevant when you are measuring meaningful conversation and fans, you'll likely be found out.
The internet has always excelled as a platform to afford people insta-fame, but the online audience is equally as keen to take this person down if they smell any rat in their digital midst.
Will StatusPeople's app put an end to digital fakers? Nah! I don't think so, but its certainly going to cause some serious twitter shame. Be warned
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