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Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Khloe kardashian Is Becoming Bigger - A Threat To Kim K?

Abraham - December 17, 2014

Kim Kardashian must be out of her selfie-taking mind for saying that Khloe needs to lose weight, because when we look at this photo we don't see anything overweight ... though we do see something that looks slightly off.

Khloe butt is becoming bigger

Is it me, or is Khloe looking smaller everywhere else but the butt? And if you're a woman of a certain body type, when you lose weight, one of the very first places it disappears from (besides your chest, boo) is your backside.
Lots of folks have been accusing the K sisters of padding their rears for years, but what do you think?

No lie the gym is really taking effect on khloe’s butt. She’s Been working out for quit some time now to making sure she get the standard ass since Kim K her sister has been getting the attention, She's fighting for a bit of the attention and I think it's working.


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