What’s Google Adsense:
Hey guyz, its a new week and hope y'all feeling happy, if you are not, [Give Up!!!, ---Just Kidding---].
Note that, Not everything will go as you expect in your life. This is why you need to drop expectations and go with the flow of life.Back to Business, As we all know most bloggers pain these days is getting an adsense account which seems almost impossible for some.
Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience.Today, I’m going to be sharing my own part of the story on how I got my adsense approved with 33 posts in 3 business days.
Note: Before you apply for adsense make sure your site is not in beta stage or under construction. Create a Privacy Policy And About Us Page.You must also be considerate enough to provide a clear navigation for your visitors so that they can easily find all the sections and pages on your site .
When we talk of google adsense, the first thing that comes to your mind is “ORIGINAL POST” Yeah, google needs original post before you can be considered for adsense, but to stop getting those annoying Adsense Rejection Emails, You might be thinking 33 posts can’t be possible; This number of posts is sufficient if in each post you have more detailed info[sufficient texts] about what you are writing, without this you might just be far from approval and this is the message you are likely to get:

Google adsense crawler needs sufficient posts to enable it crawl your site/blog to know what its about. It must have sufficient texts, blogs or site that has only videos, images can never be considered.
There is another thing that can cause insufficient post, sometimes you may have more that 2,000 posts which might be seen as insufficient by google. Its easy! to solve this, like I said before, provide a clear navigation, this time not for only the visitors, also for the googlebot by using site map for robots[explained: Read below], A (ro)bot will only return the message to google as “insufficient” if a blog is no site map. A blog/site must not only be user-friendly, it should also be ro(BOT)-friendly[I talked more on this below: read on]
2. Site Map
Let me clear this about Site Map before I continue. There two types of site Maps:
i. An XML site map: This is a structured format that a user doesn’t need to see, in fact, its very useful to search engines[robots], it tells google about your blog. Now, you remember I talked about adsense bot returning Insufficient content, this is because it couldn’t read or relate to what your blog’s about.
Don’t be lost, Google has two important robots, one for the google search, the other for media-partners only{If you are an adsense affiliate there’s another special ro(BOT) assigned to crawl your site to provide relevant ads to visitors}.
Check this out, you visit a post on Linda Ikeji’s blog that has to do with fashion or about davido sister’s wedding, Obviously, Linda will talk about the celebrant clothes or shoes, what adsense robot does is; It carefully crawl the site, know what its talking about and serve the relevant ads needed. Examples are jumia ads on clothes, Amazon on shoes or Konga ads on necklace.
The reason behind this is psychological: Google believe only a fashionista could checkout such post and might be willing to buy similar product shown in the photos.
To confirm this to you, just type www.sheyiadetona.com/robots.txt or [click the link]. You can as well try yours by typing your site/blog and end it like this[/robots.txt] A similar texts like the one below should show

next is
ii. HTML site map
Html site map is exclusively created and important for visitors, it helps them easily navigate through your site and it also helps them find content on the page.
To create an XML and HTML site map for your blog/site, you can do that on xml-sitemaps.com. You need both of them.
Google webmaster is very vital, I mean very vital. Without this tool, Just give up on adsense, Google will never accept a blog that doesn’t go with the rules laid down by this tool, “Webmaster” as the name implies would help solve and identify most of the web problems. Most of the rejected applications has been because the site/blog isn’t following webmaster’s guidelines. Google sends this message and give the reason pointing out webmaster as the major issue. I made sure my blog/site was inline with WM rules before submission. It might not be 100%, but 90% is not bad.

I discussed Using site maps earlier right, Now, This is what you should do after generating your site map from the xml site(Above), you go to webmaster tool, sign-in and add your blog, Once your site is added to google, go to webmaster dashboard and click on your site, On the left panel, choose crawl and then site map, above you should see something like this ADD/TEST SITEMAP in red click on it and submit then refresh as instructed, you should see the site maps content : No. OF PAGES INDEX and No. OF PAGES SUBMITTED.
Note that webmaster can also help you know whether you have crawl errors or not, its has the ability to test your (ro)BOT and give you details about it. This tool also helps you analyze your performance on google search.
As a blogger, this tool should be your friend aside from helping you get an approval, It helps solve the security issues that might be affecting a blog, make a site/blog searchable and can tell whether its mobile-friendly or not. You just have to spend time on this tool to know its use. If you stumble on any problem and need my help or finding it hard to use the tool, just use the comment below for faster response.
This is another great tool, It gives you insights you need to improve your blog( Traffic Analysis) . It helps collect basic data from websites or mobile app, provide the accurate percentage of bounce rate( It is the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave rather than continuing on to view other pages within the same site).
To start collecting basic data from a website or mobile app:
- Create a new Google Analytics account if you do not have one. ...
- Set up a property in the account you have created. ...
- Follow the instructions to set up web tracking or set up mobile app tracking.
Social media is another awesome means to reach out to the world, google wants you to have a facebook page or twitter account. This you must embed in your blog before submission of application. I was able get this done by creating a facebook page, asking my facebook friends to like my page and that how I got the few “likes” I needed before applying for adsense. Note that, the number of “Likes” don’t guarantee a blogger a space in adsense without following guidelines above. You do not necessary need to embed all, just one is cool. I would recommend facebook.
We bloggers believe posting nude pictures would give us the expected traffic, Google knows this and will never consider such blog/site. During the course of my first application, Google seem to be okay with my content, the only problem I had was a post I did on Kim Kardashian where she was on a beach in thong somewhere outside the U.S sitting down with her butt cheek all over [Seriously, Google always find kim’s pics disgusting, even after approval, they would warn me to take down any photo I post about her hour-glass figure, butt or see-through Dress] after deleting the Kim K post, the next day I got my approval. My advice to any site owner out there is stay away from this if you really want to be part of adsense.
To be taken serious , I got my self a domain name[.com, .net, .org] A blogger need to get a domain name for his/her blog to escape the 6months hassle set by google before application. Google wants you to spend a few cent.
Priority is given to this. It still boils down to being passionate, They believe that you can only spend cash on what you love. , gone are the days when they accept blogspot blog just like that, you get to wait for six months and might not be accepted they want you to get a domain name for your blog (e.g www.example.com ..and not www.example.blogspot.com). The best place to get domain names are EasyDNS, GoDaddy, 1and1, etc. I would recommend easyDNS, its faster and easier to understand [that’s what I use anyway]. I can’t recommend Godaddy, seriously, Its one of the biggest but it took them some time before they were able to process my transactions during the time I was using their server, I think this is due to the large number of customers.You can try them too, I’ve not tried 1and1 but heard its okay according to reviews.
i. Wrong: Google will never accept a saturated Niche.
This is so wrong when I applied, It was on entertainment, We all know that, most site/blog today post on entertainment, yet I was accepted. It doesn’t have to do with whether its saturated or not.
ii. Right: Google give less attention to a site with more than one Niche. This is so right. I will explain --- A blogger who post about entertainment (movies, music, etc ) doesn’t have to post about politics, This shows you are as confused as the politicians . For me, I think Google believe that as A blogger you can only be creative with one niche --- Entertainment[ stick to entertainment] News?[ Stick to News] atleast for the mean time then after the approval you can diversify.
Before my approval, I was posting about movies and stories in the entertainment world alone, nothing on politics, nothing on “fashion”, I don’t want to risk that. Most time the application would be denied. Google has this way of hiding the real reason why it was denied and only give you few tips and expect you to use that God given brain of yours[They do not want to accept a dumb blogger].
It is necessary that you state clearly what your site is about at the top of the site/blog.
Just like Original content, do not copy paste pictures, download then upload. if its a picture that’s not personally taken by you, be very sure of the pictures you about to upload has no copyright claims. There are places to download free pictures, like flickr, photobucket, etc. The pictures on these sites are detailed, You may not want to download a restricted pictures. I am sure most photos in Nigeria has no copyright attached to it, so you can download them from google images but to be on the safe side, try and make use of this site for most post before submitting an application.
Important Tips: There’s a 3rd party tool called feedthebot It helps you know whether your site is under the google webmaster rules{Do not because of this Ignore webmaster tool} Its very easy to use. Unlike webmaster tool, It only report the problem and give tips on how to solve. Webmaster tool reports the problem and also has the right tool to solve it.

As an employer[so to speak] that doesn’t want to employ a ghost worker, Google adsense team would like to know who you are to be sure such blogger is not a scammer, who wants to defraud people online with his blog, it is imperative that a blogger must have a profile pic somewhere in his/her site with details. A Gplus profile is not a bad idea.
Important Tips(Credit: Support.Google.com)
i. Once you submitted your application, you will receive an email from within 6 to 8 hours that will tell you whether you have passed the first step of the review process. If you passed the first check, you can then log in to your AdSense account. You will see a red bar across the top of your account. To initiate the second step of the review, you need to implement the ad code on a page of your signup URL that receives traffic. If you do not implement the ad code, the review process will not continue.
ii. Once the system detects that the code has been placed on a live page, It will automatically review your website with the ad code - not only the page that you submitted in the application. It typically takes 2-3 days for their specialists to complete the review. Depending on the volume of applications they receive, it may sometimes take longer. As soon as they’ve reviewed your application, they’ll send you an email with details on your application status. If you implemented the ad code and it takes longer, make sure your code is implemented correctly and is placed on a page that receives impressions. Don’t place the code on a test page that has nothing but the ad code on it.

So my people, That’s what I did and went through before submission.
Are you an adsense publisher and wish to add to this post, Or disagree with some of the tips above, Kindly use the comment box below.
Anyone with any question at all base on this post could also use the comment box below. I will always be Here to reply Your comments.
Photo Credits: Google
Thanks for the post. Hv been trying to get adsense approval for some time now but hv not been accepted. The last message I got is site does not comply with google policy. Pls help me check my site trendsofnaija.com and advice me on what the problem may be and wot I could possibly do. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHi, Mr. Cayfizzle, sorry for the late response. After checking every details on your blog, I would like to know:
Delete1. How Old is your Blog?
NB your privacy policy is not well structured for a website in Nigeria. You can create yours at http://www.generateprivacypolicy.com/privacy/create.
Let's start from there...
hi seyi great article i will be sharing a link to this post on my blog very soon thank you. this post is a great help